The current position of hectad adoption is as below. Let Jeremy know of errors or changes – or leave a comment below. [Any red-bordered hectads are unadopted at the time of writing.]
Download: click/select here to open the map in a new window/tab; right-click over the map to open a Save or Download menu.
What does the role involve?
The kind of things that hectad adopters might consider:
- explore the hectad to find, and then record, the best areas in terms of habitat, diversity, significant species, etc.
- plan to achieve good coverage* in all parts of hectad in each twenty-year round
- ensure timely input of data to the BSBI’s Distribution Database (via the vice-county recorders)
- laise with other recorders to expedite coverage, and avoid duplication; perhaps create local ‘team’
- offer advice, and co-lead, group outings in your hectad
- enjoy!
[* ‘good coverage’ is regarded as achieving (within each 20-year recording round of the BSBI, currently 2020–2039) at least one well-recorded monad in each of your 25 tetrads]
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